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Customer Feedback

Tell us what you think - help us improve our service to you.
As a valued client, your views on how we can improve our service are extremely important.

To help us continually improve our service, we would like to invite you to participate in our Customer Service Satisfaction Survey.

Your responses will only be used for the improvement of our service quality. You can find out more about how we will manage your data at our Privacy Policy (You will be redirected to Privacy Policy page if you click "Privacy Policy" link).
Thank you in advance for your participation.

The survey takes approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.

Once you start the survey, simply answer the question shown on screen and then click on the 'Continue' button to move on to the next question.

Please do not hit the 'Enter' key or your browser's 'Back' or 'Forward' buttons while you are completing the survey.

Customer Feedbacks will be consolidated in monthly intervals. For matters requiring urgent attention or reply from this Office, please refer to the channels available in the Contact Us section.

Thank you for helping us improve our service.

1/13 How satisfied are you with the ease of use of the online application process?
2/13 How satisfied are you with the timeliness of processing application and updating dose records?
3/13 How satisfied are you with the presentation of information?
4/13 How satisfied are you with the ease of navigation?
5/13 How satisfied are you with the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)?
6/13 How satisfied are you with the overall services provided?
7/13 Any opinion / suggestion to improve our service?

8/13 How often do you use the internet?
9/13 How would you describe your experience in using personal computer?
10/13 What is your age group?
11/13 Which of the Radiation Licensing Services have your tried? (You may select more than one)

12/13 Which of the Radiation Monitoring Services have your tried? (You may select more than one)

13/13 Which Medical Examination Services have your tried? (You may select more than one)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!

Your feedback is important to us and will help us improve the service that we deliver to you and other valued customers.

We will use your response to ensure our services meet your needs.

We will treat data collected from you in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available on our site.

Please click on the 'Submit' button below to exit.

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2020© | Important Notices | Privacy Policy Last revision date: 1 January 2023